memory from my heart…心的忆。。。





在他去世后,我的心没有一次在想起他的时候没痛过。可能是我一直都在觉得对不起他。而我在我父亲去世时才觉得知道他对我来说太重要了。小的时候他常带我出 去,去吃KFC和一些其他的。我最有印象的是有一次我们去Relau买榴莲,我很感触地跟他说“爸,我要好好读书给你看”。他留给我很多回忆。结果很多承诺我都没做到。







Penang Small Genting Thai Restaurant

Yo, I will recommend this Thai restaurant which I went there one year ago. Because The Thai food there taste delicious and pure (what I mean is most to the Thai food restaurant only has name, in fact is not Thai food).

This is the map and I know it is quite blur.

i still remember the time when I reached there, it is sunset. So that I have the chance to see this beautiful view. The day also quite cold but feel comofortable.

This is the Menu. I curi curi take it. the price is quite reasonable and many choices too.

This is the “Kai Wei Cai” we ate called “MAI KAM”. i think hard to get it in any others’ Thai restaurant.

This is the way to eat MAI KAM~ nice!

And surely Thai food must have Tom Yam. And we ordered Tom Yam seafood. very nice too.

And this is all the food and dessert we ate. all of that are very nice!

We have 4 people and afford to finish all of that just because of the food are really nice or maybe is the environment effect, there is very comfortable and relax.

This is all around there. beautiful too.

Second Visit? Sure, just that is 1 thing I worry, the way to Genting Thai Restaurant is quite scary. haha..

the place called small genting thai restaurant and we go there from bayan baru.

p.s. sorry for my photo skill since i am not a professional in it.